Art, Design, Textile Design,, Japan

Art at last!

After a rather long break (literally) I can finally draw again. I managed to fracture my hand making badges. One of these things that seems like a good idea at the time but ended up a disaster. My hand literally hit the floor and hey presto ended up in a cast.

AmblesideArt Badges

At the time I had thought it would be good to have an inexpensive but unique gift. The badges were either hand painted or taken from one of my printed designs.

Badge sets

However doing them put paid to anything else art wise, so frustrating. I did catch up on a lot of reading design books I’d been meaning to catch up on but I had been in the middle of a large (for me) design which kept mocking me from the drawing board.

Underwater Fantasy

It was so annoying at first as I could finally draw but couldn’t get the tops off pens! Well finally I’ve finished it. Using metallic watercolours from Derwent and Kuritake Fudebiyori metallic pens on black paper. “Underwater Fantasy” is now finished and framed, and……. I’ve finally managed to finish the badges too. Don’t think I will be in a hurry to make more soon though!

AmblesideArt badges

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