Art, Design, Textile Design,, Japan

Japanese Postage Stamps

Japanese Postage Stamp with Pen and Ink

I was lucky to find a large collection of Japanese Postage stamps recently. A fascinating insight in to the country and customs. Works of art in their own right. I decided to incorporate them into my artwork.

A Variety of Japanese Postage Stamps

Working with pen and ink and also the new Derwent Metallic Watercolours it was interesting to see how they could be worked in to a design.

Japanese Postage Stamp Art

I used collage techniques with watercolour paints and ink pens.

Work in Progress

The most difficult bit was choosing which to use, I had 300 stamps which I am still working through. I have sorted them in to colours as this seemed to be the easiest way to separate them.

Art Work using Japanese Stamps

Just for fun I also collaged a bell jar

Collaged Bell Jar

Also made some patterns from the artwork

Japanese Stamp Fabric
Japanese Stamp Artwork

This work is currently on sale at Beck Steps Gallery in Grasmere